"look at me, look at me" . or "i hope they like me" have you ever try to say this to yourself? Never has it been so easy to publish your every move! Suddenly it has become pivotal for everyone to be informed that "chessa is going to sleep" or that "chessa is so upset about HIM". while the need for attention is merely human, the perpetual need for it can be alarming.
Mark Leary, a psychologist at Duke told ABC News that social media such as Facebook promote narcissistic behavior, even in an unpretentious person. it seems everyone has an inner narcissistic who is responsible for their facebook statuses.
I'm not saying that everyone who owns facebook account is head over heels with themselves, but it does blur the lines very easily. while you may have easily turn into an ode to myself in the blink of a few updates!
If an inflated ego can delusional sense of self wasn't already scary issues perpetuated by narcissism, it goes on further to create a society that believes that they have an entitlement to just about everything. What hope is there for world peace if everyone is looking out only for themselves, should your self-worth be attached to how many responses your new status recieves?
It is however not a lost cause, you don't have to delete your facebook, twitter, friendster accounts and live under the tree. I'm just saying, be weary! if you find that how you feel is tied to your various networks, then turn off the computer!
Narcissism - it's not just about self-worth in fact has overinflated view of his own abilities, similar to the kitten that sees himself as a lion. Narcissism are not just confident, they're overconfident. In short, they admire themselves too much.
But there is just other people who really feel unsatisfied when no one responds to their status and come up with something new until someone leaves a comment. --who cares if they wont leave a comment or even like you status anyway?
- S
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